Health & Safety | London Funfairs
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Please observe the following common sense guidance to ensure the safety of your child and all our visitors.

  1. Whilst London Funfairs and its employees attempt to ensure the complete safety of all our visitors, it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to supervise and accompany children.
  2. The parents/guardians must:
    • Remain with and observe their children to ensure they are safe and well;
    • Ensure children understand the safety instructions around the fair;
    • Know where their child is and make sure their child knows where they are;
    • Ensure children do not go on rides or equipment which may make them scared;
    • When children are under 5, stay by their child’s side at all times and not assume that someone else is watching and responsible for their child.
    • Make sure their child does not wander into any area of the fair not supposed to be for public access.
  3. Parents/guardians know their child’s capabilities and behaviour best and so should ensure an appropriate level of supervision to reflect this.
  4. All children may only use the Fair or any part of the Fair when accompanied by a responsible adult.
  5. Parents/guardians must make sure that all the requirements on clothing and footwear must be followed.
  6. Jewellery is worn at your own risk and please make sure children with spectacles take particular care.
  7. Management reserve the right to refuse entry.
  8. All height and age restrictions must be followed. If a member of staff says a child cannot go on a ride because they are too big or too small, this must be obeyed.
  9. Abusive and aggressive behaviour by adults or children will not be tolerated towards staff or other visitors to the Fair and we reserve the right to implement and enforce total bans.
  10. London Funfairs encourages children to play and explore the Fair in a safe and stimulating environment. There are inherent risks that are always associated with children playing and having fun including being exposed to moderate physical activity, tripping, falling and bumping into fixed objects or other children.

London Funfairs have taken every reasonable step to control these risks through the design, maintenance and operation of this facility. However it is impossible to eliminate such risks completely and parents and guardians by entering the Fair are deemed to have accepted this level of risk.